Dear all,
Whoopee!!…Dobby (King Louis) and I won a N section at Calmsden HTs! 🥇💪👏
It was my first win for ages.. (as I’m not very good at going fast these days 😂).
But I had no excuse at Calmsden – the ground was perfect and dear Dobby is confident, is a super jumper and galloper and soon ready for intermediate level.
I find Equireel’s videos so valuable both as a training tool, and also as a keepsake of a great days Eventing.
Barry and Patrick also did super tests and double clears, good boys 😍.
All 3 also went well the week before at Larkhill HTs in the strong wind and soft going.
So I was then all excited for Cirencester and Solihull HTs… but sadly the wet stuff 🌧️ came again and both events had no choice but to cancel 🤦♀️.
Badminton Horse Trials next week.
I’m so looking forward to supporting Emily and Valmy there – fingers crossed that it goes their way 🤞🤞
Best wishes and thanks for your support,