
My Bucas Therapy Cooler – Testimonial

Yesterday was ‘Therapy day’. Calypso was already feeling a little sleepy after his lunch (we all know the feeling), so his ‘mum’ Julia decided to put on his new Bucas Therapy rug. Little did she know that she was in for a real treat. “He usually dozes off and nearly falls on his bum, that is nothing unusual, but this time he put on a real equine ballet performance for me! First his right hind leg popped out for good stretch, then he proceeded to dangling it in the air. Next he stretched out his front legs and crossed his hind feet. This is really interesting because he is arthritic in his hocks. I am quite excited to see whether he will have a better range of motion in his pelvis too, that would be amazing. His physio agrees that the Therapy rug is helping him and was worth trying,” Julia tells.

She first met her Calypso in 2015 when he was 29 years old. He had been a companion pony for his entire life and never been properly trained. Julia was approached to see if she could teach him some tricks and she quickly fell in love with the Shetland pony-cross, who despite his advanced age turned out to be a quick and eager student. The stubborn, grumpy oldie soon transformed into a curious, lively pony that thrived on the interaction with humans. Needless to say, his previous owners happily gave Calypso to Julia and he became her heart horse, although his age and size only allow for ground work and walks.

These days Calypso is nearly 34 and naturally suffering from a few niggling little injuries. There’s the arthritis in his hocks and pelvis and, since he likes a play and wrestle with his bigger paddock mates, he is occasionally sore in his neck and back area. Julia first heard about the Bucas Therapy range online and thought her pony might benefit from its effects in addition to his regular physio treatments. A Therapy rug was purchased (a little larger than recommended to fit another pony as well) and is now in regular use.

Julia says, “Calypso already has some Bucas rugs, as they are affordable and offer small sizes for ponies. He now wears the Bucas Therapy rug as well and always shows me how and where the rug is having an effect on him. Sometimes he chews and yawns extensively, on other days he stretches or crosses his legs and flexes his back and belly. Then he has a snooze or even a sound sleep. It is is really fascinating to watch him, and I am happy that the rug is obviously having a positive and relaxing effect on him!”

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