The “Product Testers” at ehorses have been busy testing the Bucas Therapy Cooler for the past several weeks and this is what they have to say about what they found while using the rug!
Angelica’s review:
My mare Oncara and I tested the Bucas Therapy Cooler blanket intensively for 4 weeks
In short: we are both very impressed with the blanket’s great properties.
First, the most important facts about the Bucas Therapy Cooler: The special feature of the blanket is the stainless steel fabric incorporated into the back area. This can reflect the magnetic fields emitted by the horse. As this stimulates blood circulation, the muscles warm up and the surrounding tissue is better supplied with oxygen and nutrients. This effect has a positive effect on the healing of inflammation and swelling, can prepare the muscles for strain before everyday training and thus has a preventative effect. The blanket can be left on the horse 24/7 if required (after a supervised acclimatization phase, of course). The blanket is also made of Stay-dry fabric, can be attached underneath other Bucas blankets thanks to the layering system and, thanks to its cut and flexible fabric, ensures plenty of freedom of movement in the shoulder.
My mare is very sensitive. She finds it difficult to let go of her back, which is why she often has tension in her back. When I held the blanket in my hand for the first time, I was surprised at how light it is. When I put it on for the first time, it took less than five minutes before Oncara was already chewing relaxedly, which surprised me very much. The back area was already noticeably warmer. We slowly increased the length of use, as recommended. Just wearing the blanket for 30 minutes before riding helps her to be much more relaxed in her back when working under the saddle. After riding, she stands relaxed in the box with the blanket, chews and yawns. After just two weeks, her back muscles were noticeably softer and much less sensitive .
During the test phase, I was also able to try out the blanket on two other horses. They also relaxed after wearing it for a short time and chewed with pleasure.
Overall, I am very impressed with the Bucas Therapy Cooler blanket. It has already been integrated perfectly into our daily routine at the stable . There is no easier way for me to support my mare in her regeneration. The easy handling , the great fit and the reaction of my mare speak for themselves. I can only warmly recommend the blanket . Anyone looking for a simple preventative or regeneration option for their horse will definitely not be disappointed. We are grateful to have received this blanket to test and would not want to be without it.
Larisa’s review:
I tested the Bucas Therapy Cooler blanket for my gelding Valentino. He always suffers from back tension and reacts to cold, for example, with a sensitive back.
The blanket is of high quality and the magnetic fastener is super practical. The cross surcingles and a tail strap keep the blanket in place. My gelding had it on during warm-ups, cool-downs, “wellness days” and even at night over the last month.
The first time I tried it, he chewed and relaxed. I could also watch him chew and doze off the next time – at the farrier’s he almost fell asleep with the blanket.
The back is pleasantly and evenly warm under the Therapy Cooler blanket. This seems to be good for my gelding, because since using it regularly, his back is much more relaxed and less sensitive . When it suddenly got so cold again recently and the temperature was below zero at night, the blanket was also a blessing. He wore it overnight and was relaxed and loose despite the cold.
Another great thing about the blanket is that the horse can be wet (rain, sweat) and you can still put the blanket on without worrying because the sweat-drying function works perfectly. I tested it after a rainy day and my horse was able to dry under the blanket without any problems.
The Bucas Therapy Cooler also remained completely in shape after washing and works just as well as before.
I am very happy to be able to integrate this blanket into our everyday life and benefit from it . I am sure that it is good for my gelding, that it promotes relaxation and regeneration . The way he reacts, it can only do him good.
Martin’s review:
I tested the blanket on several different horses. A 3-year-old Lusitano that came to me for training. This horse has general tension problems and has been treated osteopathically several times. I regularly put the blanket on the horse for 10 minutes before or after work. I could immediately see a relaxation and noticeable chewing and licking. Over the weeks, the horse became increasingly freer and more flexible in its movement .
I also had the blanket on my 4-year-old PRE-Lusitano mix, who was castrated in January and had significant problems with the healing of the wound. Here, too, I noticed that the horse quickly loosened up and chewed and licked a lot. I had the feeling that the blanket helped the horse relax even when it was in acute pain.
We also used the blanket on a 15-year-old former show jumper. Here the same effects were achieved: chewing, licking and relaxation. The horses started working easily and seemed content.
The fit was good on all 3 horses, even though they have completely different body types. I also had the blanket on a horse once during an hour-long trailer ride. It rained in the trailer, the blanket was wet on the surface, but stayed dry on the inside. All in all, a great product. I look forward to using it in the future.
Find out more about the Bucas Therapy here and how it may benefit you and your horse and check out the full Bucas Therapy Range Here!