
Joseph Murphy

Joseph Murphy is one of Ireland’s leading event riders. He is based in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland.

“As a sponsored rider, I am extremely lucky to have access to all of Bucas’ products and it’s very difficult to choose a favourite. However, one of their most versatile rugs is the Bucas Quilt in combination with the Quilt neck. We use these throughout most of the year; in the cold, bleak winter season as an attachable under-rug, the clever fastenings mean that they don’t slip. With the temperatures changing on a daily basis, if it gets warmer even by few degrees, you can either remove the hood, or simply slip the Quilt off. In autumn the horses can live in these during the day when it’s too warm to have both rugs on. Then over summer — our Irish summers that is — they make for a good overnight rug.”

“We also use these when we are at a competition during winter. The horses will travel in their Bucas travel gear, but when the lorry is stationary or if we experience the wind and chills of the likes of Tyrella in Northern Ireland, we can keep the horses cosy with these on as a top rug whilst standing on the truck. The Bucas Quilts are practical, cosy and look the part.”

“I love the Bucas Power Turnout Extra for my horses , with the cold and intermittent warm weather during the winter it keeps my horses comfortable both inside and out”

Give us a “Live Defining” moment in the life of Joseph Murphy?

One defining moment for me was preparing to go in to jump my final round at the London Olympics (top twenty riders in a Games jump second round).

This was the case for many reasons, to have a horse to peak at exactly the right time on the right day is very difficult to do and with the weight of the world on your shoulders….. the expectations were huge.

I was getting an amazing feeling from Electric Cruise, my equine partner, in the warm up and in turn this was giving me huge confidence and an even bigger belief that I could jump a second clear round at the pinnacle of our sport.

I remember passing the point of Return – I was now so focused and in my own bubble! I cantered into the arena in Greenwich I remember saying to myself, ride like I have trained and it will be a clear round…… The feeling when I jumped the clear round was unbelievable and the respect and appreciation I had for my horse was huge….. it was definitely a 50/50 partnership.

After 10 years of Eventing experience, to represent my country at an Olympic Games and to do the best job I possibly could do at that time was so rewarding and this propelled me to the top level of the sport. And has made me hungrier than ever before.

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